Five Fifty Two

Ashley Moore

Fruits and vegetables were always easily accessible growing up in my community. I vividly remember our community being much like an orchard! My great-grandmother had a pomegranate tree in her backyard while plum, pear, orange and pecan trees were found in abundance throughout our neighborhood. My cousins and I picked fruit freely, from our neighbor's trees and ate until our bellies were full.

There was a sense of community there. Families often shared food amongst each other and with neighbors. Like most children, we played outside all day long until the street lights came on. As I grew older the fruit trees disappeared and parents didn't allow their children to play outside for hours because it was no longer safe. Sadly this is what has become of our communities. Lack of play time and accessibility to fresh produce has led to increased weight gain/obesity and diet related illnesses; especially in low-income areas.

I’m thankful to be part of a wonderful organization that is making a difference in the lives of people whom we serve. To “Eat well, Stay Fit and Be Happy!” is our goal and we are dedicated to educating people about improving and maintaining their health…mind, body and soul. Five Fifty Two is founded on the fundamental principles of healthful living. Through a practical approach of good nutrition, healthy habits and fun physical activity we can lower the risk obesity and of dietary related illness.

Ashley Moore
Founder, FiveFiftyTwo

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