Five Fifty Two

Statistics estimate that by 2030 almost half of all Americans will be obese; and by 2040, the number of people with diabetes is expected to rise to 642 million, with 74% of them living in urban areas (International Diabetes Federation, 2015).

We offer a variety of programs in adult health, promotion and disease prevention. We partner with registered dietitians, doctors, nurses, community health organizations, schools and students to reach people ubiquitously on a vast array of health concerns. Topics include:

  • Diabetes Management and Prevention
  • Breast Cancer Awareness
  • Prostate Cancer Awareness
  • Colorectal Cancer Awareness
  • Prevention of Hypertension
  • Heart Disease and Stroke Prevention
  • Worksite Wellness (Wellness programs for employees)
  • African Heritage and cooking classes
  • Latin Heritage and cooking classes

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